Friday, August 17, 2007


Haha, just deflorated my new blog!
Let me tell you something my friend: GPS ROCKS!
No I'm not to dumb to read a map but I find Garmin makes really cool Gadgets.. U know? ;-)
So I'm driving down the Autobahn with at least 130mph and my super kewl Garmin GPS tells me in his soft voice you've reached your destination... and I was driving in the middle of nowhere in Germany.. hahaha good joke Garmin! xD

No really, get one, they're getting cheaper and cheaper those days. At least you've more fun on the road ;-)

My Ex-Ex-Girlfriend gets married now.. those poor bastard hahaha. I'll send him a gold bracelet and her some stud earrings.. that's it. I won't attend the wedding, I hate wedding partys.. Nothin' against bachelor parties.. but weddings.. omg!
I hope they don't make babys to soon.. No money left to send them babyphones or nursery monitors as they're called nowerdays. hehe